Turn the Tables on the Food Crisis

In order for a brand to effectively reach an intended audience, it must be ’framed’ in an engaging manner, but also be framed ‘loosely’ enough to overcome any audience obstacles such as culture and language. Depending on which target audience the branding is being promoted to, the framing of the brand will need to shift. Thus, different audiences will require different frames.
An example of this is the frame and visual meme for a global campaign we developed for the promotion of the global food sovereignty concept “think global, eat local” for the US Food Sovereignty Alliance. The core visual concept was a table set for dinner but instead of silverware, there were garden tools in place of the fork, knife and spoon. This was easily re-interpreted and loose enough to be repurposed for different global cultures that utilize different gardening/farming tools, along with the message “through regionalized sustainable solutions the world can feed everyone - instead of the few feeding the world”.
We also developed a “Turn the Tables” brand to work with their ongoing campaigns which included education about the global food crisis to targeting corruption inside a large agribusiness corporation that is colluding with the government to bypass safety regulations. The “Turn the Tables” brand allows for these specific sub-campaigns to all be highlighted, such as “Turn the Tables on Global Hunger” to “Turn the Tables on Monsanto”.